Windsor MP Welcomes Tax Cut for Businesses, Charities and Clubs in Windsor
Adam Afriyie has welcomed new figures showing that 109,000 businesses in the South East have benefited from the new Employment Allowance.
The allowance takes up to £2,000 off the National Insurance bill of every employer in the country, and means a business can now hire someone on £22,400 a year without paying any Employers’ National Insurance at all.
Adam Afriyie, MP for Windsor, said:
“Cutting this pernicious Jobs Tax will help businesses create jobs in Windsor, Berkshire and across the country. More people will now have the added security of a regular monthly wage, so they can pay their bills and look after their families.
“Unemployment in Windsor has fallen by over 50% since May 2010, and this cut to National Insurance will help businesses, charities and clubs continue to do their good work creating jobs and prosperity.
“We must also rename Employers' National Insurance the ‘Jobs Tax’, so that everyone can see on their payslip that their employers are charged for every job they create. This tax must be reduced in the longer term if we want more jobs.
“It'd also be a great idea to merge Employees' National Insurance and Income Tax into one simple tax, so it's easier to see how much tax you are paying and simpler to work it out."
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Notes to Editors:
1. Mr Afriyie’s website: