Windsor MP to Champion Innovation
In a speech today by Conservative Party Leader David Cameron on innovation, he announced that Windsor MP, Adam Afriyie, would champion innovation in public policy for the Conservatives.
David and Adam met at The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) to highlight new Conservative Party thinking on innovation.
David Cameron said:
“Adam's task will be to find the great innovations of today and tomorrow from around the world, and be their champion inside government.”
Speaking with David Cameron at the announcement of his new role, Adam said:
“I am delighted to take charge of our innovation policy. Because, ultimately, the pace of innovation will determine Britain’s place in the world.”
“But when it comes to solving our economic, social and environmental problems, the solutions will not come from the continued stranglehold of state bureaucracy. They will not come from the old politics of top-down control…they will come from placing our trust in the spirit of innovation hard-wired in our DNA.”