Thousands of Protesters Attend Rally Against Heathrow Expansion

Adam Afriyie, the MP for Windsor and long-time opponent of Heathrow expansion, joined thousands of protestors at a rally to speak out against proposals for a Third Runway at Heathrow.

Other speakers included the shadow Chancellor, John Mcdonnell, and the Conservative candidate for London Mayor, Zac Goldsmith.

The Government is due to lay out its position on airport expansion by the end of the year.

Mr Afriyie commented:

“Thousands of people turned out to show how strongly they opposed Heathrow’s Third Runway.

“Heathrow is the worst noise polluter in Europe by far, and its Third Runway will only make things worse. It will also impose road congestion, harmful air pollution and significant costs on the local area.

“This would barely be tolerable if the airport would revolutionise aviation in the UK. Heathrow’s main competitor [Schiphol airport] in Amsterdam has six runways, and Istanbul New Airport will have the same. The idea that a three runway airport with no potential for further growth is any kind of a solution to persistent under-capacity, is frankly ludicrous.

“What’s good for Heathrow’s shareholders and bosses is not what is good for the country as a whole. The Government should rule out this undeliverable plan for expansion once and for all.”


Notes to Editors:

1.       Mr Afriyie is a longstanding opponent of Heathrow expansion. Details of his activities can be found here:

2.       The Bow Group published a research paper written by Mr Afriyie. It can be found here:

3.       The Coalition Against the Third Runway, of which Mr Afriyie is a founding member, has its website here: