There Should Be No Third Runway at Heathrow
Adam Afriyie MP has responded to Heathrow Airport Ltd's new proposals to build a third runway at Heathrow.
Whilst recognising the valuable contribution that Heathrow makes to the local economy, Mr Afriyie said that the new proposals would not meet the longer-term economic needs of the country.
Writing for The Telegraph last year, Mr Afriyie said that a new hub airport in the Thames Estuary might provide the best long-term solution.
Adam Afriyie MP commented:
"It is no surprise that a private company like Heathrow Airport Ltd would seek to increase its profits by trying to expand its monopoly at Heathrow. We must expect them to make the case for their shareholders
"But the rest of us are concerned about what is best for the long term economic success of our nation.
"If the UK it to become a great global trading nation once again, we will probably need 5 or 10 new runways over the next 25 years. A short third runway at Heathrow does not solve that problem.
"Since 2003, my view has not wavered. That is why I will continue fight tooth and nail for the people of Windsor against a foolhardy third runway which would be yet another short-term sticking plaster solution to a far bigger long-term challenge.
"I very much welcome the Davies commission and look forward to their well-considered recommendations in due course which will, I trust, not be swayed by the interests of a single company with a vested interest."
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Editor's notes
1. Adam Afriyie is MP for Windsor. He was Shadow Minister for Science and Innovation from 2007 to 2010.
2. Mr Afriyie's Daily Telegraph article:
3. Mr Afriyie's Windsor Express article:
4. Mr Afriyie's speech in Parliament:
5. Mr Afriyie's website: