Heathrow Action Pack
Together we can make a difference.
As the MP for Windsor and a resident of Old Windsor myself, I know how intrusive flight noise can be. That’s why I will continue to fight against any extra noise from Heathrow, whether that’s from extra flights, Heathrow expansion or changing flight paths.
Everyday people ask me how they can help, so I thought I’d list the actions that can make a difference in our fight against extra noise from Heathrow. Don’t feel you need to do everything, just pick what you feel is appropriate for you:
1. You can sign this petition to “Say No to Heathrow Expansion”: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/no-third-runway
2. You can send a letter of support to The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, who are also fighting against Heathrow expansion by email at aviation@rbwm.gov.uk
3. You can submit noise complaints to Heathrow Airport Ltd. by email, phone or online at: http://www.heathrowairport.com/noise/what-you-can-do/make-a-complaint-about-noise
4. You can write a letter of complaint to Heathrow Airports Ltd. at:
Mr John
Chief Executive
Heathrow Ltd.
The Compass Centre
Nelson Road
5. You can write a letter of complaint to the official aviation regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority at:
Mr Andrew Haines
Chief Executive
Civil Aviation Authority
CAA House
45-59 Kingsway
6. You can write a letter to the Airports Commission, who are writing a report on Heathrow expansion at:
General enquiries
Airports Commission
Sanctuary Buildings
20 Great Smith Street
7. You can find regular updates on Heathrow news by:
§ Tracking plane movements in real time at http://www.flightradar24.com/ or http://planefinder.net/
§ Following the Heathrow Noise Twitter feed at https://twitter.com/HeathrowNoise
§ Looking on my website at http://adamafriyie.org/index.php/heathrow/
§ Following my Twitter feed at https://twitter.com/AdamAfriyie
§ Telephone: 020 7219 8023
§ Email: adam.afriyie.mp@parliament.uk